November 05, 2006

We have wireless internet!!!!!

So my last posting was in March.... I'm usually not a quitter, but I couldn't stand having to go into our dark whole of a computer room that also doubles as a laundry room. We were given a wireless router about 3 months ago and I (yes, the person with the MIS degree) was unaware that my laptop did not have a wireless card. So, we finally broke down and spent the $30 on a card to plug into the laptop. I thought, sweet, we're up and running now. No, no. It took 1 hour on the phone with someone named "Tom" in India to finally get the router to talk to the computer.

We now have wireless internet. I must say that I had no idea the impact that this modern convenience would have on our marriage. I am constantly on the computer in the living room, kitchen or even in the bedroom. Tony has started taking the computer to bed every night to get in a few extra minutes of surfing before he passes out. I'm pretty sure we haven't spoken a complete sentence to each other since the wireless was fired up. We were forced to lay down some ground rules about how often, when, and where the wireless may be used. It seems to be working for the moment, but don't worry if the divorce papers are drawn up I will surely be able to inform you from my couch in minutes.

I'm hoping the new setup will allow me to post more often. I'm not promising a daily or even weekly post, but maybe I can commit to 1 per week. We'll see.


Blogger Amy said...

Can you hear the cheers from Washington!!!! I'm so glad you're blogging, friend!

Oh, and I hear you on the wireless. We found ourselves sitting on our own separate couch, with our own separate laptop, in the same room, silent for hours! It got beyond ridiculous before we had to bring ourselves back to reality and LIMIT the usage. But now that Will's gone for a while, I'm on my computer on my couch, oh, just about all the time! I'm going to go ahead and say NO LAPTOPS IN BED! Now that's a romance killer if I ever heard one! ;)

11:30 PM, November 05, 2006  
Blogger Amy said...



11:31 PM, November 05, 2006  

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