Just for the record: 30 is terrifying! I hadn't really given it that much thought until 27 rolled around on Friday. Tony was 27 when we got married and I thought he was soooooo old! Now I'm old and boring like he was. Not that I don't like being old and boring. It's just that it snuck up on me. Tony and I talked about it last night while we were out on our "date." He said he knew it would happen to me eventually and he's loving it. I have three more years, but the part that really stinks is that all of my girlfriends are anywhere from 8-11 months younger than me (which was really cool at 21), not so cool now. I hope they are kind when the big day finally arrives.
Age is all in how old you ACT!!! Try being 28 without a child with a husband who is pushing 36 in just over 3 months and 29 coming in April! Talk about freaked out!
I'm here for moral support because I am merely months behind you!! It's really bizarre to realize how high our number is getting. 27? I thought only Stephen could get that old!! :)
30 is the new 20.
I read that somewhere.
I stopped by your blog from the link on Stephen and Ashley's blog --- and had to stop and say that I love this post! Jason and I are in the same boat -- I turn 27 in a week and he will be the big 3-0 which sounds SO OLD!! :-) (Although I am the one getting gray hair - YIKES!) I hope you are your sweet family are doing well.
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