January 21, 2008


Over the weekend someone posed the question of why Easter changes so drastically from year to year. Seth thought that it probably coincided with the end of Lint. This made perfect sense. I added that maybe Pentacost is set by something weird and that makes lint start and that's what throws Easter off. (If you are reading and become offended by our lack of knowledge on the subject please cease and desist).

This leads me to tonight when I called Seth to check on Miranda (she's doing great by the way, she's even walked the hallway at the hospital already!) Seth said that he hadn't had a chance to do full research but was sure that Pentacost didn't set Easter. So, I googled and here's the crazy answer:

Western Christianity uses the Gregorian calendar which is very similar to a Hebrew calendar to set the date of Easter. It takes into account the date of the Paschall full moon which was set by ancient tablets (325AD) and don't actually coiniside with full moons. As a result Easter can vary between March 22nd to April 25. That short and sweet explanation comes as a result of reading a small essay about the history of this date. It still doesn't make a lot of sense, but at least I know that it was indeed a difficult answer and therefore I don't feel quit as ashamed to admit that I did not know what rule, date, or law set Easter.


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