February 13, 2008

Happy Love Day

So I am stealing from the cartoon Love Is. Here we go...

Love is:
- sugars from a 21 month old
- my husband listening with interest as I talk about 5 year olds
- falling asleep at 8:00 on the couch and being okay with it
- feeling little kicks and jabs in my ribs throughout the day
- giving Valentine's gifts early because we just can't wait to share what we got eachother (I got jammies for the hospital and a bluetooth ear thingy and Tony got a police scanner b/c we live near the station and he's always dying to know what's going on)


Blogger Lisa but mainly Elmo said...

awwwww, i'm about to need some Jake time!!!!, it won't be long before Rader boy #2 is here.

Love is from Elmo:
- getting a valentime card from Rebel the dog.
- cards waiting on the counter in the kitchen when you get up
- coffee in bed (everyday!)
- back tickles

6:09 AM, February 14, 2008  
Blogger Two Sisters said...

Thanks for adding us to your list of blogger friends! Jake is so cute. I told Tony we need to get together soon so our kids can play. We are just up the road, in Rockwall.

7:22 PM, February 14, 2008  

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