December 28, 2007

I'm still alive and bloggin'

I apologize to my dedicated readers for my lack of posts in the last month. What can I say... Christmas. We have had a family Christmas every weekend since Thanksgiving and we have our last this Sunday. Well here are some pictures to catch you up with the family (mainly Jake).

He found his sidewalk paint while Mommy was cleaning up the back!!
Hailey has been inside a lot because of the cold weather and I'm starting to have second thoughts about Jake needing a brother. He's got all the friend he needs in Hailey.
We can't keep him out of it!!!!
They have a great relationship. He feeds her, she likes him.

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Of course he is a natural. He knew exactly what to do when he saw this wonderful toy. Oh how I hope he gets his Daddy's height.