September 22, 2007


Just for the record: 30 is terrifying! I hadn't really given it that much thought until 27 rolled around on Friday. Tony was 27 when we got married and I thought he was soooooo old! Now I'm old and boring like he was. Not that I don't like being old and boring. It's just that it snuck up on me. Tony and I talked about it last night while we were out on our "date." He said he knew it would happen to me eventually and he's loving it. I have three more years, but the part that really stinks is that all of my girlfriends are anywhere from 8-11 months younger than me (which was really cool at 21), not so cool now. I hope they are kind when the big day finally arrives.

September 18, 2007


Okay, this blog was partially inspired by Bezner's blog almost seemingly devoted to movies and the coincidence that we just upgraded our cable package to include Fox sports. Little did Tony know that this package included such great channels as AMC, TCM, Bravo, etc. I just might be the luckiest person ever to have upgraded the weekend before Hitchcock week was going to start. So far I have watched Rear Window and The Birds. Tonight's main movie is Vertigo which is being Tivo'd as I am blogging. These movies of course are just teasers leading up to Saturday nights showing of Psycho. I can't wait.

Here is how our downfall into TV slavery began:
1st year of marriage- 1 TV, no cable. I'm talking channels 4,5,8,11, and sometimes 33.
2nd year of marriage- 2 TV's basic cable (by this of course I mean satelite).
3rd year of marriage- 2 TV's upgraded cable leaving virtually no time to converse as there are too many great programs on at all times. There would probably be more TV's at this point, but really our house is tiny. We can already watch it in every part of the house.

Who knows what the future holds for us....

September 15, 2007

What Else Can I Get Into???

I walked in to the kitchen to discover what Jake had found. He quickly threw it off and ran. When I came back with the camera he wanted the camera badly so we made a deal. He put it back on, let me take a picture, and then he got the camera.